Saturday, May 12, 2007

"You Can't See Me!"

What is it about us and our lives that makes us think that we can hide from God. We as humans have created so many ways to attempt to hide from God that it would be impossible to list them all. There is the "attempt to recreate God in my own image so that i don't have to acknowledge who He really is" method. There is the "try to convince myself and everyone else that God doesn't exist thereby unsuccessfully avoiding God" method. There is also the classic "worship other gods (such as money, tolerance, education, science, marriage, happiness, self, etc) instead of God" method. There is even the "drown myself in activity and or music so i don't have to think about or hear God's voice" method. That one seems to be one of the preferred methods by us, the masses, in today's society.

However, nothing can beat the original Adam and Eve method. "Let's hide in the bushes and hope he doesn't see us!" It's amusing to me because it makes me think of a little child running and hiding their face in the couch cushion thinking that if they can't see daddy, he must not be able to see them. I mean "Hello! McFly!". God created Adam & Eve. He created the garden Adam & Eve were attempting to hide in. He created the universe that allows for their life to exist. Yet somehow Adam and Eve seem to think that if they hide under some leaves and branches, God won't be able to find them!

When i read about Adam & Eve's attempts at hiding i wonder how anyone can even imagine that that would work. I just shake my head and think that it's just plain silly. What made Adam & Eve think that that would work in any way, shape, or form? Yet when i look at the ways that we, that I, attempt to do exactly the same thing it appears just as silly. We imagine that by denying God's existence, recreating him in our own image, or attempting to hide our thoughts, we can go on living as if what He says doesn't matter. Instead of hiding behind leaves, trees, and branches, we are hiding behind entertainment, busyness, and our own intellect. It's the same thing with a new face! It just seems like we never really learn.

Image from Allogist used under cc license.

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