Friday, June 29, 2007

Feast Without Famine is Gluttony. Famine Without Feast Brings Drudgery.

It amazes me sometimes how much a person grows and matures in difficulties. So often we want things to be easy. We want to have things given to us. We don't want to have the difficulties, and yet... that is the only way that we can grow. With troubles and trials comes growth. With problems and adversity comes the potential for maturity. When everything we want is handed to us, we tend to grow lax and uncaring. It is only when we go through the hard times that we can learn to understand and appreciate the good times.

A speaker in Bible college used this analogy once and i thought it was fitting. When the trials come flooding in. It can be a very difficult time. When you are surrounded by the flood waters of trials and troubles it tends to show what you are really made of. The difficult times come and we seek God. We go through the hardships and look to Him because we can't do it alone. He in turn works in us strengthening us and sweeping away the built up junk. When the flood waters subside and everything returns to normal, that is when the real trials begin. During that time of flood new seed is brought in. New growth occurs, and we have the potential to grow in new and stronger ways. However it is during the good times, the easy times, the seeds that the flood brings in sprout into new life and the potential really begins.

What do we do when we are in the easy times. How do we handle it when the times are good. Who or what do we become with the seeds that were planted in hardship. It takes work to make growth, but it is easy to fall into lax when the going is no longer tough. So what are we, what am i doing with what i have been given?

Image from [beta] used under cc license.

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