What is my passion? This question is so big that it's difficult to answer. It's like asking the question, "How big is the ocean?".
My vision is for our society and culture to do a 270 degree turn. To turn the complete opposite way and then some. Right now in our culture our youth are treated like children. They act like children because they are expected to act that way, and they are not trained to do anything else. Their primary education is done by the government, at the expense of their parents. At best they are taught to excell in subjects, which is not the same thing as life. The class generally learns at the rate of the weakest "average" student. Their primary defining influence is usually 1 person, their teacher. Many times they are taught the basics reading, writing, arithmatic, and other subjects but have no idea how to do anything with that information. It is worse than useless information, it is barely useful.
Meanwhile, for the most part, our youth are not taught how to take care of themselves. How to succeed in life or find a career that is worth their time and effort. They are not trained to be men and women. To be husbands and wives. They are taught subjects with no knowledge of how to apply that to life outside of the educational system. As a result we have young adults and adults who leave high-school, undergraduate programs, and graduate programs with no idea as to how to be anything more than students.
Young people find that when they rebell and cause trouble they gain attention, and when they gain attention other people follow them. Thus by rebelling they become leaders. They are not taught or challenged to become leaders any other way... wow this is getting long, and i have only scratched the surface.
I guess that you could say that this a round about way of saying that my passion is for youth to become more than they are. It is a passion and vision to see society, youth, the church, embrace youth and give them a vision for something more than themselves. To give youth more than just subjects and useless information. To challenge them to be and become people with a passion and a purpose.