Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Fun with "H"

When our second daughter H was born back in April it really changed the dynamics in our house. Before L (who will be 2 in October) had been our sole child and had had mommy and daddy's full attention. We tried to prepare L for H's arrival so it wouldn't be such a shock to her system, but even we weren't fully ready for all the changes. It's interesting how we have changed and adapted. When H was born i started spending focused time with L trying to help prevent her from being jealous of her sister and trying to get her involved in her sister's life. My wife had to spend a good deal of time taking care of H, so i took over more with L. It's funny because as of a month or two ago i began to realize that maybe i was spending too much time with L and not enough with H. This was further brought to light when, about 3 or 4 weeks ago, both my wife and my sister commentied that i don't really spend very much time with H. (To my defense, it's quite a bit harder to be actively involved with an infant than a 1 1/2 year old) So i have tried to spend more time with H lately.

Well, something happened on Saturday (i think it was Saturday morning) that has stuck with me all weekend. I was playing with L just tickling her, throwing her up in the air, and just having a good time playing with her, when i looked up to see H watching me. When she realized that i was looking at her she got this huge excited look on her face and started kicking excitedly. So i said, "Hi 'H'", and went back to playing with L. A couple of minutes later i made it a point to see what H was doing. When she realized that i was looking at/watching her she got all excited again. So i said "Hi 'H'. Are you having fun kicking in there?", and went back to playing with L. A couple of minutes later i looked up again to see what H was doing and as soon as she realized i was looking at her she got really excited again and began kicking furiously. So i said, "alright, i get the point". I grabbed her out of the swing and began playing with her as well. She had such a blast.

That image of H getting all excited when she realized that i was looking at her, wanting me to play with her, and how all of this played out has stuck with me and imbedded itself into my head all weekend. Needless to say, H has been getting great deal more attention from me this past weekend.

1 comment:

JCMasterpiece said...

More security than anything else