Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sexualizing Youth? Good or bad?

After reading the comments on my last post i decided to pose some questions for the readers and commentators of this site. Kim made the comment that "Society is sexualizing our children at younger ages than ever before", and that this could be causing numerous problems. I commented that i agreed with her, but let's see what you have to say.

1) Do you agree that our society is sexualizing our children at younger and younger ages? Why?
2) Is this something that is a problem? How so or why not?
3) If this is a problem, what can we do to change it?

So now i leave it in your hands...


Jewish Atheist said...

1) Do you agree that our society is sexualizing our children at younger and younger ages? Why?

Yes. I think it comes out of the basic fact that sex sells and we live in a capitalist society. You look at people like Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears who are popular as "musicians," but really only made it because they're sexy and willing to show it off. Stores realize they can sell more underwear if they make it "sexier," so they go ahead and do so, even to children.

I know that you all are going to say it has to do with a lack of religion, but I don't think religion has anything to do with it. Humans have strong sex drives. The capitalist machine is unstoppable. Put the two together, and you get sexualized young girls.

2) Is this something that is a problem? How so or why not?

Yes. Children below certain ages aren't ready for sex. Girls in particular may find themselves in situations with aggressive guys that they aren't equipped to deal with. Moreover, they're not responsible enough to make sure that sex they do have is safe.

3) If this is a problem, what can we do to change it?

It's a hard one. We can't fight "the capitalist machine" without completely changing our society, and we definitely can't change the human sex drive.

I think it comes down to parenting and schooling. We need to teach our kids about sex honestly. I think religion often does a real disservice by telling them that sex is immoral, spreading misinformation, and preventing adequate sex ed. Sex isn't immoral; it's just something that has a lot of complications that go along with it.

We need to teach our young ones that they're too young for sex, and we need to explain why. I think it's inappropriate for young ones to wear sexy clothing, but I think that's up to the parents' judgement. But most importantly, we need to teach our kids how to have safe sex when they do have it!

Studies show that many, many kids do have pre-marital sex, even when they are religious and they're taught to be abstinent. I went to an Orthodox Jewish high school where the vast majority of students (to my knowledge) did in fact abstain from sex. However, those that did participate didn't know everything they needed to know to remain safe from diseases and not pregnant.

So to sum up, we can't just tell kids, "Sex is bad." We have to explain why they need to be older to have sex and, if you prefer, why they should wait until marriage. However, going along with that message, we MUST instruct them how to have the safest possible sex if they do decide to have it. The human sex drive can be irrepressible.

I actually wrote a post about sex ed a while back.

Oddball Pastor said...

1) Yes I agree that society is sexualising our youth. Why? Money. Young kids want to be older kids, and older kids are more sexual. Thus if you want to market to those younger kids, you market them sexualised things.

2) Yes, it is a problem. We are losing the distinctions that defined rites of passage bring. Kids get all the form but none fo the substance of growing up, and so we end up with frustrated youth who, having gotten it all ealry, have nothing to look forward to.

3) The only way to change it is to redefine "cool." The market wil promote what will sell. If we can make rites of passage marketable, meaningful, and the wait worthwhile, then we will be on our way.

In His Steps said...

My faith does not teach that sex is immoral. Sex was designed by God to be enjoyed within a male:female marriage. Society has done a diservice to the sexual act and has made it "immoral" not the church.
I did not always believe this but I know that in my life, I have had to deal with the consequences of not living within the guidlines that God has given for our own physical and emotional good.
I do believe that sex outside a male:female marriage is wrong no matter what the age or situation.
Just my opinion.

Christie said...

I believe that society is sexualizing our children at a younger age. Some of it is just as simple as the jewish atheist said "sex sells". The other part has to do with victimization and the fact that sexual abuse is becoming more and more prevalent. Children who have been abused are growing up thinking that is how life is and the boundaries around sexuality are absent. If you don't want sex or you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend then you must be a homosexual.The pressure is there not only by society but also by churches. Don't have sex but hurry up and get married, have kids early, make a happy family. You need to be like everyone else in this organization.
Is this a problem? Hell yeah. Sex involves complicated feelings and can only be successfully managed by the few that understand it and the brave ones who are going to risk themselves to be vulnerable. After one failed marriage myself, sex can be a very complicated balancing act with a dedicated mate in a monogomous relationship. If adults have trouble with it what makes you think a child or a hormone raged teenager could or should do it.
Change it-I don't know. Education for one, common sense for another, and outright teaching children how to control feelings of instant gradification. Having the common sense to teach children to have the courage to say "NO", and mean it. To model good behavior in hopes that the children in the future can learn before its too late. Just a thought and opinion.

Foilwoman said...

1) Do you agree that our society is sexualizing our children at younger and younger ages? Why?

Yes. I agree with JA that capitalism and marketing targetting children has sexualized children at earlier ages. I remember it starting in the movies with Brooke Shields and Jodie Foster, but then moving to advertising. Then you have the kiddie beauty pageants, the Britney wannabes, and things of that ilk. I can't really say why, except that maybe we are just like crows and lean toward the shiny stuff -- little girls wearing lipstick included.

2) Is this something that is a problem? How so or why not?

Yes, it's a problem for children whose parents don't protect them from it or who are surrounded by people who have trouble separating fantasy from reality. There is simply a burden on children hearing, seeing, and being confronted with adult sexuality that is inherent in these situations that is troubling.

3) If this is a problem, what can we do to change it?

Keep one's children away from TV as much as possible, monitor their internet use, limit the exposure to sexually provocative material. I.e., take a strong role as a parent.