Saturday, February 17, 2007

"It was good... It is not good"

I think the first step to really understand marriage is to look at the source. Why does marriage exist? Where did it come from?

For that we need to go to Genesis 1-3. First, God created the heavens and the earth.
1) On the first day God created light and separated it from the darkness.
2) Next He created a firmament & divided the waters from the waters.
3) On day 3 He created dry land
4 - 1a) After that He defined the lights and instructed them to rule over the day and night.
5 - 2a) On the next day He created the foul of the air and fish of the sea.
6 - 3a) Finally He created the beasts of the field and man. "Let Us make man in Our image"
So God created man in His image... and all of it was good!

Then in chapter 2 God makes an interesting statement; "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him." I believe that this statement says reams about both man & God. God created man in His own image, yet it is not good for man to be alone. Man needs more than himself. Man needs more than himself & God! Not only that, but man NEEDS more than himself & God. It is not an issue of, it's probably not best for man to be alone. It's that it is simply not good for man to be alone. It is not good for him at all.

Well, the girls are awake now and i have to go. I was hoping to get a little further than this, but so be it. The note i want you to leave here with is this: Even though we have been created by the God and creator of all things (and in His image), we still NEED more than just relationship with Him. It is not good for man to be alone.

Image from Bluedharma used under cc license.

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