Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Same Fire that Produces Destruction, Produces Life

So God formed woman from man. God recognized that nothing outside of man was going to be comparable. So He did something different. He took 1 body, 1 soul, 1 will, and created 2. So the question is, what happens when you put two wills together?

There is a great deal of potential for 1 person. One person can spend their life sitting around doing as little as possible and just barely getting by, or one person can unite and drive entire nations or the world. Our his history books are full of people who changed the world by their actions. However, the only way to really build anything is by cooperation with others. When you take one person and create 2 from them, the potential is for the wills to unite and bond, to grow together. A two cord rope is not easily broken. Two people working together have a much greater potential than does one person alone. By working together they can accomplish and be more than either one could accomplish and be alone.

However, at the same time the potential and reality is that those two wills will conflict with one another. That conflict is natural and to be expected. It is a part of life. Two separate and comparable wills will produce conflict. Arguments and fighting will occur, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Where two wills unite that spark and friction produce the heat, oxygen, and fuel necessary for combustion. Fire is produced, and that fire can heat a relationship, purify it, and destroy it depending on what is done with it and how. Conflict is not necessarily bad, and it is also not necessarily good, but it is necessary and inevitable. Thus the same fire that produces destruction, also produces life.

Image from ndanger used under cc license.

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