Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Real ID Act & RFID

For those who don't know, the house of representatives (and now the senate) passed legislation on a new government ID. It's called the Real ID Act. Basically the idea is that every American will be required to have a special identification card in order to do most things (especially financially) in the US. The ID will have specific personal information, such as name, date of birth, address, picture, etc., and must be machine readable, most likely RFID(Radio Frequency Identification). Every person's personal information will be placed in a national database and they will not be able to do anything without their cards, and the governments knowledge.
Why am i bringing this up? Quite simply this is a major problem. Has anyone heard of "Big Brother" (not the TV show although that's the right concept), or "1984"... how about the movie "The Enemy of the State"?
Basically any semblence of our Constitutional right to privacy goes out the window. In time, the government knows where you live, where you work, when you leave home, where and how you get your coffee (or tea in my case), what you purchased online, what kind of birth control you use, anything they decide is pertinant to "national security" or "your safety". No more worry about identity theft or terrorists, after all the government is looking after you and only wants to protect you... doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

Oh, boy. The way is being paved for Revelation 13:16,17. Look up! We have no time left. Wow! Alison

Laura said...

Yipes. I mean, I'm all for a standard form of ID because, frankly, it's hard to keep track of the different states' designs, but it shouldn't be required for anything other than voter registration. Or, make the state IDs uniform. This is creepy. What next? Barcodes tattooed on our arms?