Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A Father's Presence

I willo attempt to post 2 posts in one morning.... a difficult task indeed given the limited amount of free time i have in the morning. But here goes.

Around 2 this morning i woke up to crying. This time it was our older one (22 months old), Leah. I didn't want her to wake the baby, Hannah, so jumped out of bed and quickly went into their room. Thankfully Hannah hadn't woken up. I went over to Leah's bed sat down next to her and told her that it was all right, i was there. She immediately stopped crying and went back to sleep. But i stayed there for a couple of minutes just the same stroking her back.

It's been amazing watching my two little girls grow. I've learned almost as much from them as they have from me. But the thing that really struck me this morning is how she just needed my presence. Everything was alright once daddy was there. I didn't need to rub her back, but i did anyways. I didn't need to rock her to sleep. I didn't need sing her a famous daddy made up song. I just needed to be there. My presence was all that she really needed to make everything all right so she could go back to sleep in peace.

It's amazing because that's the way that i usually am too. Things tend to get stressed out at times. I tend to get irritated and frustrated and part of me just want to scream and cry, but all i need is the presence of my Father. Just spending time in his presence makes all of the stresses and cares of the world seem unimportant and a whole lot easier to deal with. It is in His presence that i find the peace and rest that i need.

Well so much for time to post a second post. I guess that i'll have to do it tomorrow.

1 comment:

In His Steps said...

Your post brought tears to my eyes this morning JC. That is exactly how I feel most days. How I don't take the time to bask in the Father's presence when everything in my being longs to do just that. That is what we lack when life closes in on us. We haven't taken that time. We cry out like your little daughter, in our hearts for His presence.