Saturday, January 07, 2006

What do i Believe?

Last year’s World Question was “What do You Believe is True Even Though You Cannot Prove it?”  I suppose that there are a great many things that i believe, and that i cannot prove.  

For instance i believe that no one is an accident.  I believe that every human being has a purpose greater than themself that they can reach/attain, or not, but never on their own.  I believe that every person has the potential to attain to great things, world changing things, yet never fulfill their purpose.  I believe that there is more to a human being than just a body and mind; that every human being has a soul/spirit.  I believe that there are unseen forces in this world that are at war with each other, continually battling for our lives and souls, attempting to bring those purposes to fruition or to bring us to destruction.  I believe that everything we do is connected to ourselves and the world around us.  Thus as no one is an island unto themselves, nothing one does, does not affect others around them.  Thus nullifying the idea that i can do what I want as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else.  I believe that all of these things are connected, and more.

There are many other things that i believe that i cannot prove by science and mere reason.  What i've stated here is just the tip, of the tip, of the iceberg.

So, what do you believe?


CyberKitten said...

I believe:

That given enough time we will know everything that can be known. Nothing is beyond us.

We as individuals (and as a species) are not here for any purpose. We’re animals who have evolved self-awareness. Nothing more.

The Universe is basically purposeless & uncaring. It is a great machine. Nothing more.

There is no soul. Nothing survives us after death.

There are no Gods or Demons. We will eventually outgrow such childish beliefs.

There is no fate.

We have Free Will – but only up to a point.

The world is full of illusions and lies – the trick is to find them out and avoid them.

In His Steps said...

I believe what you believe JC.
I went to see the Chronicles of Narnia yesterday. What a beautiful alagory of life, death and God's purpose for each individual.

Jewish Atheist said...

Even though I can't prove it, I believe...

That none of the theistic religions are correct. That there is no god.

That there is life on other planets. (But not that aliens have come here or abducted anyone.) If there's life on other planets, at least some of it will be intelligent.

That we will eventually pass the Turing test, but not within 50 years.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... Faith